Transurban dan Plus berkolaborasi dalam angkutan truk otonom L4 di Australia

Operator jalan tol Transurban telah bermitra dengan Plus, sebuah perusahaan perangkat lunak mengemudi otonom, untuk mempercepat program pengangkutan otomatis Transurban di Victoria, Australia.

Berdasarkan uji coba truk self-driving pertama Transurban, yang berlangsung di CityLink dan Monash Freeway pada tahun 2022, perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut akan menyelidiki bagaimana teknologi mengemudi otonom L4 Plus – dikombinasikan dengan infrastruktur jalan pintar – dapat membantu menjadikan sektor negara ini lebih aman, dan banyak lagi. efisien dan berkelanjutan.


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It is anticipated that self-driving trucks have the potential to transform the freight industry by moving more goods, faster, and in a more sustainable manner. The use of these truck is also expected to reduce congestion and enhance road safety, in addition to addressing the shortage of truck drivers.

Since 2017, Transurban’s CAV testing program has completed 11 successful trials of fully and partially automated vehicles on highways in Australia and North America to test how they respond to road infrastructure. The aforementioned 2022 trial was the first in Australia to test highly automated self-driving trucks in live traffic conditions on public motorways.

The partnership will use Plus’s advanced autonomous driving software and global commercial deployment experience to co-develop self-driving trucks for Europe. The company’s driving software uses generative AI, machine learning, computer vision and other algorithms to enable vehicles to benefit from superhuman awareness and control.

“This partnership will support long-term opportunities for automated freight, including potential benefits to reduce congestion and improve road safety and traffic flow, and is a continuation of Transurban’s work in this area,” said Scott Charlton, CEO of Transurban.

“Automated transport technologies are going to transform the way we move goods around cities, and with vital connections between ports and other freight hubs, our roads offer ideal conditions to facilitate this new technology.”

“At Plus, we have seen firsthand through our global deployments the transformational impact that our autonomous driving solutions can have on transportation to improve safety, efficiency and sustainability,” commented Shawn Kerrigan, co-founder and COO, Plus.

“We are delighted to partner with Transurban to drive autonomous trucking development in Australia to the next level, and show the unparalleled benefits in road safety and operational efficiency delivered by a collaboration between the world’s most advanced autonomous driving software and smart infrastructure provider.”

Tentang Penulis


Callum Brook-Jones

Setelah menghabiskan enam tahun bekerja sebagai mekanik di berbagai perusahaan motorsport dan mobil performa kelas atas, Callum bergabung dengan UKi Media & Events pada Februari 2020 sebagai asisten editor. Dalam peran ini ia menggunakan pengetahuan praktisnya yang luas dan kecintaannya terhadap otomotif untuk menghasilkan berita informatif untuk berbagai sektor terkait kendaraan. Saat ini, ia bertanggung jawab atas konten di seluruh portofolio situs web UKi Media & Events dan juga menulis untuk judul cetak perusahaan.

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